
Monday, July 18, 2011

The Big D to Chi Town

SURPRISE!!! We decided to leave Ohio and stop by Hrayr’s family in Michigan on our way to Chicago.... We woke up at 530am just to give us a few extra hours with the fam.  we walked right up to their door at 930 in the morning and knocked.... they all thought it was Serouj coming to bring the girls over... but it wasnt! We spent that morning with our family- which was EXTRA nice considering we have been all over the country without our family for a week at this point.

Hrayrs cousin Carol was in town from Beirut with her husband and Hourig was in town visiting her mom so we got to see the kids- THEY ARE SOOOOO WAYYYY TOOOOO CUTE! ALL OF THESE KIDS!
We had a really nice breakfast outside on the patio, coffee, sweets, and some laughs.  It was a great time.  And you know we didnt leave without a cooler full of food for the road! Thanks Mom!! :)

But now its time to Party in Chicago!!!!

This is the weekend we've been waiting for!  We met up with Mike and stayed at his place.  Hrayr's friend Reza was in town too and we got him to delay his flight out from the next morning until the next night.  

These pictures should sum up our first day there... (which started at 4pm)

We met up with some of Mike’s friends, had a few drinks at a few places.... we went out to see the nightlife of Chicago on a Saturday night... it was all so much fun!  We finally decided to go back home around 3AM and when we get back a few of us were still sitting up on Mike’s balcony (which has the most beautiful view of Chicago from every direction you look!!!)
so were hangin out, talking about the night... when all of a sudden something is spilling from the upstairs balcony!?!?? Mike’s roommate yells at them that we are down here and to stop, but still they dont stop. And each time they are spilling something its landing on ME!!! (sort of) It was a bit delayed but FINALLLLY I realized... brace yourself.... I was getting puked on. SOMEONE WAS THROWING UP and it was landing on ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  After laughing soooo hard on the ground for a solid few minutes, I ran to the bathroom and jumped in the shower with my clothes on! GROSS! 
But funny :) 

Day two Chicago: Tourist Sight Seeing
(Grant Park to Buckingham Fountain to Millennium Park)

Our day started with a delicious Armenian breakfast, which Mike and his Roommate prepared for us.  We each even had our own half of a grapefruit! Thats hospitality right there! 

We hopped on the green “L” and went to Grant Park where we saw the copper legs- let me also state that the weather was RIDICULOUS.  It was probably a hundred degrees and incredibly humid. I’m talkin drip sweat walking under the sun!!! but it was so worth it because this city is GORGEOUS!

This picture is called the "classic 'bean' picture"

This water park was soooooooooooooo refreshing in the HOT HOT weather!!!

After we did some sight seeing we decided it was time to go to the concert.  We had tickets to a music festival called “Pitchfork” where a bunch of bands perform from 2pm until 10pm.  Reminder: It is 100+ degrees and huuuuumid! We saw some great bands (although we were really dying in the heat) 

We were there majority of the day, ate a ton of food, drank, danced, hung out, and came home.  THe day was so exhausting we literally passed out while watching a movie at night!!

I must add that I called AShley THREE times for her birthday and didnt get her once... she must've been having a great day :) But here is my official BIRTHDAY SHOUT OUT TO YOU ASH!!! LOVE YOU GIRL!!!

DAY THREE: Gotta Say Bye 

Today we are gong to brunch in Chicago and will be heading out to continue our driving.  Our trip has been a blast so far.  Visiting different cities all over, its been a real eye opener as far as the land of this country, and the people, and the food.  I'm sad that it's more than half way over.

The next week is going to be very different form the previous week.  We decided to nix Mt. Rushmore out of the trip (sad... but we had to).  Unfortunately we have 5 days to come back west- I scheduled two 16-hour drives for the next two weeks... WHO DOES THAT? not sure why i thought that was possible.  So we will be going to to Des Moines, Iowa for the night tonight and heading on to Denver, Colorado tomorrow- all on our route to Mt. Zion, Utah.  This is our next BIG stop and we have been looking forward to camping there this whole trip! I cant wait to share those pictures!!!

We plan to be home either Friday or Saturday- but my plan is to stay the night there and have another hangout before we go to Scottsdale... FOR GOOD!!!!

OK thats catching y'all up to date- I doubt Ill have internet the next few days but I hear the drive west from here is the most beautiful part of the country for driving... YAY!!!


Dtownhye said...

Had a ridiculous time hosting you guys here in Chicago. I'll miss you two a great deal and look forward to an Arizona visit this fall!!

Safe travels!


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