
Thursday, July 14, 2011


Day two of NOLA:
This day started with a swamp tour on the bayou... we seriously went to some hick-hub where these men were dressed in fatigued sandals and hats... suuuuper country.  we got on an airboat and headed out on the bayou. It was an incredible sight.

I didnt even think about the crazy bugs on the swamp waters- im sure everyone on the boat was thinking stupid city girl as i was freaking out that dragon flies the size of my pinky were just landing on my shoulder and head. haha. we spotted a few gators... they were mostly small ones though- between 4 and 6 feet- although the last one we spotted was a little bigger- between 7 and 8 feet.  Some parts of the swamp reminded me of the Amazon River.... not that I’ve seen it but from pictures I think thats what it would look like... 

When we started the boat tour the weather was pretty nice, you could see some storm clouds but they were far and not too bad... about an hour and a half into the tour the clouds were directly over us and we heard really LOUD thunder rolls... i say “rolls” because they lasted forever.  When we saw lightning we decided to head in... thank GOD! we literally got to the dock, got in our car, and headed back home... within 3 minutes of being in the car we were caught in the strongest thunderstorm that I’ve ever been in!!!! MAJOR lightning bolts, thunder, wind, and big drops of water!  I tried to get a picture of the lightning but it turns out I cant predict the weather. 

This is where the gators  nest

When we got back to New Orleans (Swamp tour was half hour out of down town) the storm was gone and it was lunch time. Our friend told us to go to Dragos for “baked oysters” - let me preface this by saying I DO NOT like oysters one bit... please look at this dish!!! 

Absolutely delicious!!!!!  They are grilled on a flame with romano cheese, garlic butter, parsley, and some garlicy special sauce. The bar tender there told us to go to another place by our hotel called Red Fish and to order their BBQ oysters... these oysters were out of the shell and deep fried with a special spicy bbq sauce on the inside and a home made blue cheese dressing on top... wowzaaa! 

We were recommended to go to Jaques-Imo for dinner by our bar tender.  This place was sooo bomb! We took the longest and slowest trolly ride through downtown and saw some of the most beautiful houses and neighborhoods.  We drove right past Tulane University and Loyola- but it was dark so we couldnt get good pictures.  

We started with a crocodile cheesecake for our appetizer:  it was cream cheese, gouda and some other cheeses with crocodile sausage and craw fish, tomatoes, bell pepper.... mmMMMmmm :P 

I ordered Louisiana Fried Chicken with cajun corn and potato salad... 

and Hrayr ordered a filet stuffed with craw fish and topped with hollandaise sauce with a side of coleslaw, red beans and rice.... we ate all of it. side note: we’ve both gained a LOT of weight so far :(

We stopped at Cafe du Monde on our way out yesterday morning.  We got their famous dessert, beignets, and a cafe au lait.... SOOOO YUMMY!

This statue is of Joan of Arc and it was a gift from the French 

These are a few pictures of the water as we were leaving NOLA..... what a great city! Beautiful architecture! Great food! Drinks allowed on the streets! Music on every corner! all in all a wonderful visit. 

Yesterday we drove through FOUR states: Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Tennessee - and my poor hubby had to drive 99% of the ride (10 hours) because we were driving through gnarly storms.  I actually have a LOT to say but will wait until I have pictures :) But i will say this: NASHVILLE IS BY FAR MY MOST FAVORITE CITY! This is where I should have been born! And to think that for a split second there was a possibility me and Hrayr would have moved here for his fellowship! Bummer that fell through, but Im trying to convince him to get a temporary job here :)This place is so happy, fun, polite, and COUNTRY! <3 <3 <3


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