
Sunday, July 17, 2011

WhIsKeY FoR mY mEn & BeEr FoR mY hOrSeS...


We got into Mississippi and it was so pretty (just as every other state has been)- we looked up an old historical house from the 1800s and got the address so we could visit it, the internet said there were tours.  To my surprise, we exited into the tiniest southern town i’ve ever seen.... it was an all black town and we stuck out like crazy! we were getting stares from everyone! On top of that, the old historical house looked more ghetto than historical and there was no one there so we basically went to this town for no reason! I even think me and Hrayr got into a fight becuase he couldnt get back on the freeway fast enough!! haha I wanted to get outta there FAST!

Unfortunately our camera died in Mississippi- just as we got to the ghetto house! So we used my backup camera for pictures the rest of this day... but forgot the adapter at home so no pictures from here... but I’ll paint a pretty picture with my story.  The state started off beautiful! green, looked like Louisiana and mississippi.  We decided to go to a plantation/mansion - in Green County, Alabama.  A nice southern Gentleman named Tom gave us a tour of the Kirkwood Mansion- which was built in 1864.  It was soooo neat!!!!!! our first “historical” experience on this trip.  He told us about the family that lived there, how one of the children died from falling off the 2nd story porch that we were standing on... The furniture inside was so ornate and unique- most were originals from the house. Its really a shame i cant show pictures of this place right now :/ The town was your typical small town that you’d picture in Alabama.  Everyone knew everyone.  We were told to go to Miss Betsy’s restaurant- in fact Tom called Miss Betsy himself to tell her to stay open for us... but she had already closed.  So we hit the road on route to Nashville.... and I start examining the clouds and sky and predict that a storm is about to hit us... HOT DAYUMMM I was right! An unbelievable thunderstorm that lasted for most ALL of Alabama- my poor hubby had to drive the whole way practically because it was too dangerous for me.  So I look up the weather conditions on a live doppler image (as if my one semester Climate and Geography class taught me anything) and realized that there was a severe T- Storm warning, Flash Flood Warning and Tornado Warning and we were smack dab in the middle of it.... TORNADO????? OMG my heart rate was a million beats per minute and all i could focus on was watching for ditches along the side of the freeway so we could hide under when this Tornado hit. lol. such a drama queen... cuz nothing happened. Although I do think thunder struck on both sides and in front & back of us during that storm.... we got lucky furreals.... BUT we made it out of Alabama and into Tennessee... my future home state :P

Tennessee was... you guessed it... soooo pretty!!! lol I have to say I didnt realize how gorgeous our country is! I expected so much of the land to be flat and boring farmland.... but the beautiful land has definitely helped the long drives to be tolerable.  We got into Nashville at about 7pm, checked into our hotel and I had already decided I loved this city.  Literally cowboys everywhere - all I did was walk to the bathroom and someone crossed my path on accident, tipped his hat and said “excuse me miss...” wowwww Southern Gentlemen...
That night we went to downtown, i bought 2 pairs of cowboy boots and Hrayr got one pair- what a FUN EXPERIENCE!!!!! We were so happy! We left the boot store for a BBQ place called Jack’s.... the world’s most AMAZING Ribs and Pork Sandwich (pictures come later since we still didnt have a camera on this night... but here is a pic of our boots :)
After dinner we went to different bars and listened to music at each one.  Our favorite place was called “Second Fiddle.”  Every bar had a live band, I’m certain we saw at least one future country music star/band :) Drank Jack & Cokes all night and called it a day.  I went to bed smiling for sure.  


This day has been our most historical day so far.  We went to Franklin, Tennessee... which is said to be the battleground of the most atrocious battle of the civil war.  There is an old house called The Carter House where the Carter family lived. The house got taken over by the union general and the family and all their neighbors hid in the basement.  THe confederates came in to attack right in the front yard of this house and all over this tiny town.  The Carter house still has bullet holes on the outside... hundreds of them... from the battle.  There was a house accross the street called the Lotz House whcih was built by a German guy.... this house still had canon ball marks inside on the wood and blood stains.  After there we went to The Carnton Plantation- now this was a HUUUUUUGE mansion- a real plantation, said to own tons and tons of slaves.  The plantation was also in the town of Franklin.  When the battle ended all the wounded soldier were transported to this plantation and their Parlor was transformed to an operating room... MASSIVE blood stains all over that place.  it was so interesting... if those walls could talk!

En Route: Nashville to Cuyahoga Falls
Passed Through: Kentucky

Checked in at our Hotel in Ohio

We decided to camp at Portige Lakes Campground in Akren Ohio.  Hrayr pitched the tent perfectly! the campsite was great, right on a lake.. we saw a ton of cardinals fly through from tree to tree- crimson red... too bad I couldnt get a picture.  We pitched our tent and went to the Toby Keith concert, then came back and slept for a few hours before we got up for a morning surprise.
The concert was SUCH an experience..... first of all, i was the ONLY person there with dark hair.  Everyone was staring at me and hrayr- this is no joke. We found a spot on the lawn witch a perfect view in front of this husband and wife and their 2 daughters..... All born and raised in Ohio... on a farm.  They were super cool. I was telling them about our trip and mentioned that “Our country is sooooo beautiful!” and the man responds “Oh ya? what country is that?” like... REALLY!?!? i looked at him and his wife and was like... “THIS country. OUR country.  AMERICA???” turned to his was wife and was like... “is he serious???” so that goes to show you the type of crowd we were amongst.  But everyone was pretty cool once they realized that we knew every single word to every single Toby keith song.  Once they saw that they all wanted to dance and jump with us.  The concert was the BEST Toby Keith concert I’ve been to (two total, lol).  we had such a great time! Met some interesting people.  But it was a very long drive and a very long night at the concert in the heat and we decided to leave Ohio for Chicago at 6am the next morning so we just went back to our camp site and went to bed. 


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