
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Land of Fleur de Lis


Such a green and fertile state! green green green EVERYWHERE!  The drive in was gorgeous. And we saw beautiful skies with big clouds- it never crossed my mind that it would storm the whole time we are in the south...

We stopped in a random town in the middle of nowhere and ate a diner called Huddle House and ate delicious biscuits and gravy with eggs.... it was soooo good!   Then we reached Lafayette hoping to see the old 1800s style neighborhood where people dress up and act like theyre from that era.... but its closed on mondays :( we saw a swamp for the first time (which is honestly nothing compared to today- we went on a swamp tour through the bayou and tried to catch gators, more on that when pictures are available)

Our hotel: Chateu Bourbon

Our friend Cindy (Kenny & Cindy from Hrayrs work who moved to New Zealand for a year) is from New Orleans and her mom owns a restaurant called Five Happiness so we went there and ate Cajun Chinese food - Alligator meat!!

This is a random music group on Bourbon Street playing incredible music. After listening to them for a while we went to a Blues Lounge and listened to some awesome soul music... this guy sang so good and the electric guitar of his band was sooooo rad! 

That was the end of our night... our day today was soooo fun so far! we still have the night time and were going to a different area for dinner, drinks, and a brass symphony.  I cant wait to write about today, gotta upload the pics :)

Tomorrow Morning we are heading out to Graceland, Memphis, and then Nashville... YEEEEHAWWW!


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