
Monday, July 11, 2011

Cacti, Cattle Ranch, and Biscuits & Gravy

I dont know how many are reading this but Im sorry for the late start in the posts :) It took Aret a few days to get me all set up and purrrrdy (good job brother!).  Im going to have to wrap up 3 days of travel and 4 states into one quick post:

Arizona and the first stop/corner of our trip: Exactly how you picture it. Come visit if you're really that curious.... it's a dessert.

NEW MEXICO: Since Arizona is now our "home" we were so excited to enter the first state of our roady!!! We drove about 6 hours and got to White Sands. I cant even pick enough words to tell you how gorgeous this place is, so i'm going to show you a picture :)

And these pictures honestly dont do it justice! We tried to sled down the dunes with the cooler top... but it didnt work. 

Then we left and went to Roswell, NM... where aliens are super popular. it was wack. so we kept driving to "camp" at Bottomless Lakes.... which ended up being in the middle of nowhere with literally no one. and these bugs that were the size of baby hummingbirds. i couldnt do it. but it was pretty at sunset...

so we went back to Roswell for the night and woke up the next morning to head out to DALLAS :)


The first part of the drive was on a Farm Road... Im talkin like 300 miles on a highway that was hardly traveled- every once in a while we saw a tractor or a truck. We drove through random tiny towns that looked like they were from a movie. 

On both sides of the highway was endless land- literally “wide open spaces” (cheesy).  Cattle ranches every quarter of a mile.  Oil wells like crazzzzy. 
OK now were on the I-10 (i’ve learned a great appreciate for the Interstate because it means that every so often you go through civilization... so it doesnt feel like if we get stranded it will take hours for someone to find us and help us, lol).  We get off at this super hick stop where everrrrryone was staring at us. lol. I cant imagine why... its not like my bearded husband who was openly and loudly talking armenian to me amongst these hicks was catching any attention or anything!!!!!!! fml. Hrayr cant get over how seriously all of them had missing teeth! lol. 
I dont have any pictures for this. but I do have pictures of Dallas :) Where we stayed with our friends Arby and Nar- they went to Med School with Hrayr in Chicago.  They live right in the middle of the cutest and youngest part of downtown. it was a great time!

OH! I forgot to mention the 2nd half of the drive through texas.  Once we left that suuuper hick stop... we started driving through the most beautiful windy and hilly roads that was your PERFECT COUNTRY VIEW. im so annoyed i didnt take pictures of it! but i did draw it in our journal so well always remember what it looked like.  It was the highway going up, down and around with a pretty tick patch of grass between the two sides of traffic.  Then on each the side of each highway was a country road and beyond each side of the road was farmland!!! with barns! and adorable houses! it was soooo pretty!!!!
Now we are in New Orleans, gonna go to dinner at our friends mom’s restaurant down the street :)  More pics to come tomorrow :)


Aret Z said...

how purdyyyyyyyyy is this?! :P

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